Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Just when you least expected, I finally post! In the above picture, I'm about to climb a cliff. That cliff = school and I will try to conquer it. My safety rope = friends.

It's been a long time, but not a whole lot has happened. I'm back in Walla Walla diligently attending class and learning a lot. I officially added a history degree in the mix for fun. Michelle is up here working crazy night-shift hours as a brand new RN - it's so nice to have her close by!!

More posting soon! No, really!


Anonymous said...

You are adding more to your degree? When do you plan to graduate? Or are you going to be one of those professional students. I know I'd like to do that (6 years at uni and counting, but I have already graduated once and will again soon).

kris said...

so, you have plans to post more, huh? i'm still waiting....*taps foot impatiently*


Anonymous said...

"More posting soon! No, really!"

Liar, liar, pants on fire!!! :D

Hugs and all that,