Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time to place your bets for round 3...

In the left corner of the ring, we have Brandon - an engineering student at Walla Walla College, weighing in at 145 pounds...

In the right corner we have Calculus 3, Discrete Maths, General Chemistry 3, CAD and Drafting, and Algorithms and Data Structures 2 weighing in at 18 credits.

The round begins Monday, March 27 and finishes Thursday, June 8


Anonymous said...

Where do I go to place large bet on Brandon to win? What odds will I get?

Good luck, 18 hours is quite a bit, but I am sure you will do well.

Anonymous said...

Are you insane??!!??!! Calculus 3??!!??!! You do know that calculus was one of the plagues set upon the Egyptians because Pharaoh wouldn't let the Irsalites go (you won't be able to find it in Exodus though since it was taken out because they thought it was too silly).

Well, each to their own I guess.

It's a pity you couldn't get a sweet deal like me and do nothing but computer science.

Brandon said...

Yeah well I AM insane :) I believe you about the plague thing - that's probably why the sun was blocked for a while: an endless downpour of calculus homework...

I'm still really into the CS, but engineering has gained my interest as well. Are we still up for working at Blizzard, Ben?

Thanks for the support Jeff - I'll need it ;)

Della said...

You can do it!!! :D (insanity or no ;)

Qwerty said...

Me gots new blog :O) AND new name ;O)

Odysseus Snelling said...

Preach it Ben brother. I fear that too many preachers, these days, ignore the plagues of Egypt, and more's the pity. They will learn when their vengeful God opens up a six-pack full of plague on them. They especially seem to ignore the lesser known plagues. You've already spoken of Calc. but what about Post-Colonial theories and theorists (even though it's a fascinating topic), all that boring theory that has to be learnt before you pick up a paint-brush for Visual Art classes and other such topics of study.
May they learn soon, so that they may lead their flocks away from the danger of being hit in the head with a history text-book!!!

Qwerty said...

May the curse of the seventh-plague hit you for desecrating the holy relic of historical knowledge like that by cursing someone else with a history book to the head ;O) (I'm a history major, so don't mess with me buddy).

Ok. Ok. Maybe you could throw Descartes blah blah blah book. Or perhaps Bill Clinton's crap biography. Or perhaps Paris Hilton's "historical" sketches of her life at someone. I MIGHT even loan you the book I'm being forced to read right now: a History of the Scentific Enlightenment Revolution. Arg. ickth. yuckth.

Brandon said...

Weeeeelllll, there is good historical writing and there is... BAD historical writing. Like the force only different.

Chuck the dark side of history at people who deserve it :)

Melody said...

My bet's on Brandon. Hands down!

Melody said...
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Brandon said...

*rolls eyes* how am I NOT surprised mum :P Thanks :)