Monday, June 26, 2006

After much pressure from the Jen Mafia (thank you!), I finally emerge to make a blog post! Sorry - no pictures yet, but I do have some!

What has happened since the last post... Ouch - a lot actually!

First, exams. I blazed through my finals in a beautiful streak of glory. Maybe not beautiful, but I didn't sleep through any finals and I pulled the grades I was hoping for. The Discrete Math final actually turned out to be quite fun and entertaining, actually - logic puzzles and a couple challenging proofs. It felt like a game :)

Monday was my birthday and I celebrated with Calculus and some group projects. Hardly anybody knew it was my birthday, but when *somebody* found out near midnight, she pulled a small celebration together in a mere 10 minutes. It was fantastic just to celebrate a great friendship, toast to the future, and take a break from studying! THANK YOU! ...And sorry ;)

Coming down to the last day of finals, Michael Roth and I still hadn't finished our engineering final project (a small - but very packed - circuit board), so Wednesday afternoon we were pushing hard to finish. After ultimate Frisbee of course (gotta make sure to get priorities straight).

Janelle and I had been planning on contra dancing Wednesday night for quite a while and ALL our friends bailed on us at the last minute *insert guilt trip for Jen, Nate, Ashley*, but Michael was interested and so the three of us danced in the gazebo at Pioneer Park for an hour or so. It was quite a nice break from finals week and some excellent exercise. Big thanks to Janelle for driving, inviting me to come, and getting me involved in the first place. I miss her :(

Aaaanyways, finished up our project at midnight and then I was supposed to head out the next morning for Seattle airport to head home. I stayed up most of the night packing and cleaning my room and then caught a short nap. Instead of leaving at 10 am as planned, the guy I was riding with started packing at 10 and we didn't leave until 4:30pm. Tempting to complain about, but it was actually really cool because I had extra time to eat breakfast and lunch with Jen. It was sad, saying goodbye, but I wouldn't miss it! Chris and I finally left and I made it to the airport half an hour before my plane left and barely managed to get on.

Back in Georgia with my family, I had a few days to recover and pack for my summer travels. I also packed in a graduation party (for mum), a birthday party (I got a guitar - thanks Richie!), some youth group stuff, and two days of contract work doing circuit board layout. An excellent way to start the summer!!


Sweet Onion said...

need to talk to you... I'll try calling around between 5:30 and 6:30ish tonight :)

Sweet Onion said...

AHOLA vacationer! Where the hell are you? Haven't heard from you in forever! Drop a line sometime!

Richard said...

rawr for gittar.

Sweet Onion said...

Waiting for a blog post or email... :)