Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Palouse Falls is a beautiful national park about an hour from college. I'd never really heard of it, but Janelle invited me to come along with a bunch of friends Saturday afternoon and we explored the place until about 9pm. Based on the surroundings, I never would have guess such a large body of water existed!

The weekend was a perfect break from the stress of college life and now I'm facing a mere week of classes before finals! The weekend ended on a happy note with a tasty meal I cooked up, delicious choclate smoothy drinks that Janelle made for us, and the slapstick comedy Fun with Dick and Jane. I am truly grateful for the time I get to spend with awesome friends!


Sweet Onion said...

Sadness. You STILL HAVEN'T WRITTEN since college let out.


Where the heck are you? Taking all the fun and hogging it to yourself instead of sharing the love?!?!?! Punk.

Well, ok, I'm happy for you in spite of your rejection ;) heeee.

Ciao Cassinova with your Lovely Lady! Don't do too many damages with the Southern Belle!

Brandon said...

Yes I know... :( SORRY SORRY SORRY! I'm a little ... ... distracted ...


Seriously I'd love to post some bloggy goodness but I'm using a different computer and don't have access to my pictures...

But for you. Just for you - because you are that awesome, I will try to share the love and post something *today*.

The L.L. and I will indeed be having a good time ;)

Brandon said...

... by "today", I meant... TODAY...

oops ;)

Sweet Onion said...

your weenie post still doesn't fully count though... it was too weenie. I still know nothsing of your life.

Trading spit too much to speak, eh?!

Wrapped up in "business" huh?


That's my man! That's my man! yeehaw!