Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tamale time!! In keeping with the Mexican tradition of King's Cake, I hosted a big tamale party at Jen's place :) Irving (seen above with a very goofy expression) got secret recipes from his mother and after about 10 hours of cooking, we were ready. (Cheers to Caleb for driving us around town). The whole process was delightful - including explosions, messes, and lots of laughter. I never really knew cooking could be so fun...

Kudos to the whole team that made the party a success! We had about 20 friends over, played lots of games, watched a movie, and generally just had a great weekend.

Oh and advice for the day: be careful with pressure cookers.


Sweet Onion said...

what a crazy fun night it was watching you two cook in the kitchen! Blowing everything up, creating havoc everywhere.... and ohhhh that food was sooooooo good.

blue nurse said...

I am assuming that the pressure cooker had something to do with Irwing changing his top! Sounds kinda crazy, dude! :D Crazy = fun!!! :D TTYL