Friday, October 21, 2005

Well, the excrement has impacted the rotary oscillation device... This week has been packed with various assignments and I've lacked the time/energy to post new and interesting material (exactly as I feared when I contemplated starting this blog). However, I am not complaining - this week has been quite good actually!

SO! Last weekend was great - I caught a last minute excursion to the nearby hiking area with some engineering students: Jay, Sarah, Chris. We hiked straight up the side of one of the hills which proved much more challenging than I expected. Great weather, great view, great exercise and thus a potentially bland Saturday was saved! (Coincidentally, I went again THIS weekend and climbed with Chris, Christa, and Kent - awsome 4 hour hike!) Pictures of both hikes can be found here: Hike Photos

On to the other big news of last weekend - I've been officially assigned a roommate! The details behind it are not very interesting, but the point is that Zane Bischoff - sophomore nursing student is now rooming with me. Big props to him for finding an awesome room (305) for us here in the Meske dormitory. It is "technically" a single room, but basically it is two rooms linked together like some hotel rooms. This means we have a room for beds that is separate from the room with desks. Therefore (hmm, I'm slipping into calculus vocabulary now...) one of us can study without ruining the sleep of the other... AND it has carpet, mobile reception, and wireless internet reception! AND people secretly (and no so secretly) envy us...

I upgraded our room even more this week by purchasing a hefty 7' comfy couch for our study area - for the low low price of $50. (thanks to Grandma for funding some dorm furnishings!) It's comfy, relatively clean, and smell-free!

Class of the ... fortnight: Assembly Programming - learning about Two's Compliment, MIPS instruction set, and using the PCSpim simulator! (besides, Nelson is just a very entertaining lecturer).

Random quote of the moment: "Create in me a clean heart, O God" Psalm 51:10


Brandon said...

Haha well this isn't exactly a "private e-mail" - anyone can read this area...

If you want to send mush (or anything for that matter) you can e-mail me at

Sounds like life is going well for you - hoorah for watching the stars! Say hi to Bob for me ;)

I'm off to get some much needed weekend rest...

blue nurse said...


It is great to see you are getting up to tons of stuff. Awesome, dude!

Man, it is harder no wthat we are both in uni to actually chat on the phone. But we must do it sometime!! :D

ANyway, good luck with keeping up with the studies but still have tons of fun,

Miss ya tons,
