Monday, July 24, 2006

Clearly someone stepped in kangaroo doo one too many times... Jen and I came across this piece of art in Kosciuszko National Park - this sight was almost woth the entire roadtrip in itself.

1 comment:

Sweet Onion said...

What a crazy sign! Crazy, crazy, crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the coolest though. Why don't they have signs of cows crapping in the road here in the US? Or Elk? OR deer? How come Aussie gets all the cool signs?

Oklahoma is suing Arkansas right now saying that Arkansas is polluting the waters that flow into Oklahoma.

So on the way to college one morning, I saw an anti-litter sign that read, "Keep Our Land Grand" and beneath the words was a picture of a waste-basket with garbage going inside, and the waste-basket was in the shape of the state of Arkansas. Now THERE somebody had a spark of ingenuity!!!!!!!!!!!

But this sign is completely cool, and I think you should just borrow it and hang it in your dorm room and then will it back to Australia when you pass along someday. :P