Saturday, July 29, 2006

Watch out, you Walla Walla College freshmen :) I just got a job as one of the Jump Start leaders this year. That means I'll be guiding these poor newbies through their transition from highschool to college life. I'll work for a week before college starts: showing my group around campus, answering questions, getting to know the students, attending "sessions" (whatever that means), leading social activities, and then following up throughout the quarter to make sure they are doing ok. It's really a pretty cool idea and I see a few major benefits for me:

1. Leadership. I'll be growing my leadership abilities whether I want to or not. This is outside my "comfort" zone, but I know it will be good and useful for me.
2. Friends. It's an easy way to scout for friends in the freshman crowd - they have to meet me :P
3. Money. Granted, it's not much, but I'm not going to complain about making some extra cash.
4. Time. It'll get me to college a bit early which means I'll have time to settle in to my room, time to hang out with friends (hoorah!), and time to get a routine of excercise/sleep/work together for the coming quarter.


Sweet Onion said...

If you were here.


Brandon said...

Save it up and scream when I get there ;) I don't know if I've ever heard you truly scream...

I'm kind of excited too - it'll push me. ...and I'll be back in WWC extra early :D

Sweet Onion said...

So then, tell me the dates you are coming in!! And where are you flying into? I guess we can email about that instead of blog about it :) Lata

Della said...

Congrats on the job! You'll definitely be great at it :)

Key to Happiness said...

Welcome back to the States. I hope you are having fun on your last days of freedom before you are back to college. I'm glad you have a little time with Michelle before you go back. Those Freshman will be lucky to have a "big brother" to show them the ropes.

Sweet Onion said...

Sooooooooooo then. I completely saw you had been online today.

a) Did you cut your hair?

b) post pictures

c) post what you're up to or send email

d) have fun in whatever you are doing today!

f) Miss you

g) see you soon(ish)

h) later dude!

blue nurse said...

Congrats again on the job, Brandon! :D
Hope everything with camping went well and your jetlag wasn't TOO bad! :p
Oh, and by the way, I have started blogging again ... check it out:
Miss ya