Monday, July 24, 2006

It wouldn't be Australia without genuine kangaroos ;)


Sweet Onion said...

It's totally Kanga!!!! Where is Roo?

I am so glad you finally posted pictures! And that kick-arse map of Aussie you made up is pretty darn sweet too--you have gotten around in spite of having a limited chauffeur to drive you around!!!

I like your hair in this picture--it is straight. Did you do that on purpose or is it the climate? It looks really good straight. I could buy you an iron so you can iron your hair in the mornings, and then you can tell us all about it on your blog so we can giggle. Or you can just drop by my apartment every morning and eat breakfast with me and I'll iron your hair. HAHAHAHA! I love it. But if you cut your hair, I cannot iron it. I will have to blow dry it to make it into a frow (sp?).


MISS YOU. But you knew that already.

Brandon said...

I'll post a kanga + roo picture - I got to see many of them ;)

I mentioned that I'd only been to a small part of Aus to Sharona, but she reassured me that I'd seen the best parts :P

Can't say I've done anything special to my hair - maybe it's an illusion, maybe it's the climate, or maybe I just had an anti-bad-hair-day (also known as a good-hair-day)... Oh, and I could totally come over for breaky and get my hair done :D

Miss ya too mate - but YOU already knew that too.