Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ahhhh Mr. Daniel. What a character! I went up to Avondale and it brought back so many memories. Most of the students were off for break, but Daniel was still around. We used to play some intense games of squash, so we went to the courts again. We'd been casually passing taunts over the past years about how badly we would crush the other person if given the chance. Now we had the chance to make good on our threats.

Frankly, Daniel whipped my butt. I could list numerous excuses for why I lost (some very good ones in fact) but it doesn't change the results. 5 games to 1. Sad. We both put so much energy, effort, and soul into the games that we were both practically crippled the next day. I felt like a bus ran over me. Still, it was great to play again and even greater to spend time with an old amigo. I gave him a good run for his money ;)

"...points often become a war of attrition. At higher levels of the game, the fittest player has a major advantage." (wikipedia)


Della said...

Hurrah for good times, good friends, good holidays!

And now I tag you with the "Famous in our own lunchtimes" responsibility, should you wish to accept the challenge! (check out my blog for more :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandon,

I usually don't have to bug you to update your blog. Jen usually beats me to it :-), but it has been almost two weeks now which is quite a while for you.

I have never played Squash before, but I did play racquet ball for the first time in about 10 years today. It was a lot of fun.