Saturday, September 09, 2006

Famous in our own lunchtimes
Della tagged me with Famous in our own lunchtimes. So here goes!

1. What do you like most about where you live?
I really enjoy listening to the cicadas and crickets at night as I fall asleep... When I originally moved to Atlanta (15 years ago), the natural sounds seemed so foreign and unwelcoming. Now they are an essential part of home. Along with the sounds, I just love the green that pervades everything in the spring.

2. Is there anything strange about where you live?
Strange is a relative term. I'm a strange person, so of course this place is strange! I suppose having 5 or so large malls within 30 minutes of driving is strange... Really, though, it's a pretty normal place.

3. What's one of your all-time favourite music albums, and why?
Unfair question. I love music too much to be restricted to a single album! I might choose Coldharbour Sessions 2004 by Markus Schulz if I was in a pinch... This perfect mix of trance/chillout always hits the spot - regardless of what mood I'm in.

4. Did you have a passion for something as a kid that you still have now? (If not - what is one of your passions now?)
I still have a passion for enjoying the outdoors. My other childhood interests like stamp collecting, magic tricks, coin collecting, juggling, etc have been replaced by new ones. I try new things and so I'm constantly discovering new potential passions.

5. What do you like most about having a blog?
A blog lets me share news about myself to the people I care about without spamming mass e-mails. Comments are a big part of having a blog (hint hint). The links to other blogs are very useful too - I end up using my blog as a hub for visiting other blogs.

Pick 3 (or more) people and give them the opportunity to be famous in their own lunchtimes! :)

I'm tagging Michelle, Jen, and Shaz to start with.

*I don't normally do these, but hey it was from Della and it's been too long since I've updated my blog...


Della said...

Aww, cool! It's good to see more on your blog :)

Sweet Onion said...

Boy oh boy. You seriously made me jealous about you still being in the South. I would have to say that listening to nature's symphony is my favorite thing about being down there as well. Do you guys have Whipporwills in your neck of the woods?

I used to be a stamp collector as well :O) That factoide aside, one of the numerous reasons you are awesome is your childish desire for new experiences. Stepping outside on a beautiful day, and I bet you feel your pulse race, just like it does when you watch a sunset, or are on the Whitman climbing wall scaling it like a monkey, or listening to your relaxing music at 2 a.m. Life, to you, is passion, emotion, desire, delicious, euphoric, beautiful, simple.

Unknown said...

lol!! I'm not sure when i'll get around to answering the questions & putting them on my blog...but i'll let you know when i do.