Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Huzzah, picture time!! Send requests :)

Here is Bath Abbey lit up at night (our first night in Bath). Several friends at Glastonbury Tor - a beautiful tower on a massive hill that overlooks the town. Highly recommended although the hike is a little intense.
Here is one of the creepy sculptures I found in a cathedral. It still weirds me out. Especially the eyes.
Here's me at Prior Gardens near Bath. It's a lovely landscape originally owned by a rich gentleman in Bath who bought out the stone mining industry around Bath and also revolutionized England's postal system.

Oxford is pretty great - took a tour of Duke Humphry's library (part of the Bodleian Library with about 7.5 million books and 20 miles of shelving) and the Ashmolean museum. Ashmole (a lawyer) tricked his friend into giving away a large collection of 'things' upon his death. After his friend died, the widow took possession and she "accidentally drowned" in her backyard in a puddle - after years of legal nastiness with Ashmole. Pretty clear what actually happened eh?
Anyway it's only appropriate since the Ashmole is mostly filled with plundered goods from the British Empire's expansion. Lots of great sculptures, paintings, treasures, and all that jazz.
I'm living at Queen's College (one of the 41 colleges in Oxford) and enjoying it thouroughly! More news soon...

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