Friday, July 24, 2009

So, I realized there are a stack of pictures that never made it on my blog. Time to cover a few past events...

This is my daily commute to WSU. I bike 2 miles to school (uphill both ways of course). A good bit of the ride is on a nice bike path as you can see. This makes for a nice morning ride before digging into research...

Next, is a nice photo of Michelle when we camped in Wenatchee National Forest (about 5 hours from Walla Walla) with our friends, Adam and Liz over Memorial Day. It was a beautiful area and I'm looking forward to going back sometime for another camping/hiking trip!

Even earlier this year, I escaped to Bluewood ski-resort a few times. On this particular day, there had been over 3 feet of new snow in the last day and the resort couldn't open due to too much snow. It was really sad, but my friend and I were already up there so we made our own fun. We found a superb jump on the side of a hill and practiced. I even managed to pull a backflip!

Lastly, I had a frightening mustache for a couple days. I had several compliments on it, but really needed a top hat and one of those ancient bicycles to complete the look...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hAHA! I dig that last picture of you on there!!! You look like one of the Walt Disney characters that always plays the dunce, but ends up with the chick anyway!!!

You do BACKFLIPS on your board? Wow, you've gotten good!
