Monday, January 02, 2006

Aim small, miss small...

Nobody suspected it, but in my secret double life I'm a ballistics expert. Of course, this skill is used only for good - to protect my friends all over the world...

I love guns. Actually, weapons of all types are beautiful. Art with a purpose. Guns can be used the wrong way, but it really is true that guns don't kill people. People kill people. Or more accurately, death kills people. The gun is no more "bad" or "evil" than a kitchen knife.

Jeff and I were invited to a firing range last Thursday by a good friend to shoot some of his arsenal. He actually owns 42 guns currently and practices about once a week. 42 may sound a bit obsessive, but really I can see why - each one is different and unique. I had a chance to fire about a dozen of them including the M1 Garand (WW2 rifle), AR15 with and without scope, a couple other really nice rifles, a magnum revolver, a couple 22's, and some 9mm handguns. 3 hours shooting targets and learning about guns - a great evening to say the least!

I dont' know if I'll ever get into buying guns (kinda pricey), but they are heaps of fun!


Brandon said...

To all my Aussie mates:

Bet you never thought you'd see Jesus packing a pistol eh? ;)

blue nurse said...

This is true - Jesus with a guy?!?!

Of course ... you are sounding very American with the whole love of guns. I had no idea. I mean, I did know you were American but guns?

Ah, surprises never cease.

And yes, I will actually write you something longer than a comment on a blog soon (u know, the type of soon that JESUS has in returning to earth ... one day soon) :p

Brandon said...

:D ahhhhh that type of soon! So within the next couple thousand years right?

Della said...

Even though I wouldn't have pictured it first up, I have to say it kind of suits you!

Although I have to ask, with the guy who owns 42 guns, does he practice with ALL of them once a week, or just a selection? *lol*

Brandon said...

Just a minor selection :P

Thanks about the gun compliment... I think... :)

Della said...

Yup, the compliment was meant in the nice way :) (not in a way that was like, 'You gun-toting FREAK!' or anything like that, 'k :).

I don't think a rifle or shotgun would quite be the look, though... hmm.