Wednesday, January 25, 2006

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!! Yes that's right, it starts in just 3 hours 7 minutes - a day to celebrate Australia. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is akin to 4th of July - a time to take off work and celebrate being Australian.

Check out more details here Australia Day - I'll be celebrating by wearing my Aussie hat tomorrow all day ;)


Anonymous said...

Pfft, Austraila Day? Don't make me laugh. What's the point? At least Independence Day and Waitangi Day have some historical significance. Australia is still yet to gain independence or make friends with their native peoples so untill they do something similar they really have nothing to celebrate except beer, which they can't even spell (XXXX anyone?).

kris said...

ben, you may have a point.

however the opportunity to have a day off work is cause for celebrations. Thus, for whatever the official cause, Australia Day remains a perfect way to celebrate one less day of work....and drink lots of XXXX.

Brandon said...

Well frankly, I'm just happy to celebrate a region I love. I don't get that excuse very often... Yes, Ben, I have to admit that I love Australian AND New Zealand at the same time :P

What NZ holidays are there to celebrate?

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't need an excuse to celebrate something you love.

With regards to NZ holidays, aside from the psuedo-religious ones, we have Waitangi Day (celelbrating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi), ANZAC Day (celebrating the Australia New Zealand Army Corps, lackys of the British), Queens Birthday (celebrating our reigning monarch) and Labour Day, which I really don't know the meaning of.

Brandon said...

When is Waitangi day?

Odysseus Snelling said...

Ahh yes Ben, but you forget that we have most of those holidays here too! ANZAC (meaning: AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND ARMY CORPS) Day is our national day to remember those who have served (although I think it's traditionally for WWI & II veterans). Queen's Birthday is obvious, although why it isn't actually on the Queen's Birthday remains a mystery lost to the ages past. I think Labour Day is a symbolic rising of the proletariate, throwing off the shackles of Big Business, and having a piss-up to celebrate being the Australian or New Zealand equivelant of WHITE TRASH!

Odysseus Snelling said...

Oh and XXXX is a Queensland beer. I don't think it's really consumed in other states

Sweet Onion said...

hey dude! I actually found your blog on a blog search! not that I needed to since I already knew it. I have this cool dealy thing where I can see what countries visitors to my blog are from, and someone from (I think it was Egypt... or else California) had been looking at mine via or something like that underneath "Walla Walla College" so I decided to type it in and instead of finding mine I found yours ;). Cool deal.

And I too am a fan of Aussie land. And I've never been there. I have this amazing guy friend whom I met in Switzerland this summer who really wants me to go see him (goodness, I hope he doesn't look at your blog... I bet he doesn't though) but its complicated... and confusing... and stressful... and... and.... and... if I knew other people over there that I could visit, it wouldn't be so stressful but anyway, thats a private story.

I'm looking into going to Costa Rica this next quarter. To study Spanish. In the Cloud FOrest :) Janelle was the one who told me about it because she studied there. That would be one amazing experience!

Yesterday Sophia and I volunteered at a Cancer Center chopping and stacking wood all day, so today we can barely move! No joke. We went to the mall to try out evening gowns (dang her! She convinced me to try on two dresses and I fell in love with both so I bought them! Even though I'll probably never have an occasion to wear them, unless someone gets busy soon and gets married!!! so I can wear it to the wedding) and anyway, I could hardly lift my poor legs I was so stiff.

But we got homemade ice-cream out of the deal, and awesome pizza. And I spent too much on those dresses. Some guy better ask me out next year to a banquet or something so I can wear the dresses. Thats all i have to say!!!!!!! Otherwise I should just take the dresses back! Haha, or we can get a cool AI crowd to dress up and eat out at Taco Bell in our fancy evening wear. :) Fun fun fun!!!

I did add you to my msn though! So a cautionary note: my mother's computer automatically signs her into my msn account, and she loves chatting with my friends, but she has promised to let everyone know its her :)I hope that isn't frustrating to my friends, but my mom has a great time chatting with people!!!!

Okie dokie, I need to get off to bed. Its been a long day of sleeping and being lazy. man, I'm such a slacker when it comes to studying! I'm so glad I have this quarter off! And possibly next too in Costa Rica!!!!!!! huzzah! huzzah! huzzah!

And on that note, I shall leave you with an evil goodbye:Happy studying (bwahahahaaa).

Brandon said...

Costa Rica eh? Sounds very intriguing....... and exciting :)

Glad you stumbled upon my blog - I always enjoy having friends come by, read, and post comments.

I think you should definately head over to Aus sometime - I've got some great friends there and besides, the place is beautiful (and New Zealand is fantastic too).

Somehow it is hard to picture you and sophia chopping/stacking wood all day :) Good on ya though - a nice change of pace I'm sure (even if you were exhausted).

Once again, I am curious about these dresses. Perhaps I'll get a chance to see them eventually at Taco Bell or something...

No worries about your mum - she sounds like a great person and I'm looking forward to chatting with both of you ;)

*back to "happy studying" like a slave*

Sweet Onion said...

I know its hard to imagine me chopping wood. But thats because you haven't seen me out and about. I grew up on a ranch (ok, only 8 years) and was a real tom-boy growing up... so much so that its embarassing for me to talk about now ;) but my parents gleefully (and brothers too!) love to talk dirty words at family reunions or if someone who is of genteel birth is around, to exploit my behavior of by-gone years! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I was also a beekeeper for two years :) where I found out I'm not cut for that for the rest of my life... especially since eventually the women get married and then sit around producing kids--thats their life--its not mine though, at least not now. Maybe someday I shall settle down.

Whenever I do something, I usually give it all my heart and soul. When I'm at school, I pursue intellectual knowledge. When I'm home, I pursue a) sleep b) catch-up on movies c) hard work outside with my dad. He and I are great buddies and we go around together, I in some old cast-off holey pant/shirt and we sweat and work hard together, but we always do so well working together as well.

My parents live on 25 acres in Arkansas, a proverbial jungle out there! So last summer we cleared land, brush-hogged (mowing with a tractor), cleaned out a several-hundred gallon water tank, breaking our backs in grub and grime, set up a huge 300+ gallon diesel tank (where I almost killed my dad! Its on my blog somewhere under August 2005 with a picture of me on the tractor) and other crazy stuff. I'd rather be working with my dad than inside cooking/cleaning with my mom. I guess I also get along better with my Dad.