Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well I'm only just into my second quarter at Walla Walla College - still working on my Computer Engineering degree - and it's intense. More so than I expected it would be. I used to laugh (not out loud of course) at people who use the palm pilot organizers, but I totally understand now. Between social events, volunteer meetings, club events and meetings, homework, and classes... You get the idea.

Still, I will not complain - life is different but that's not such a bad thing. I've still had time to spend with people and even some time to play games or watch movies. It is a bit disheartening though to find myself looking forward to the weekend so I can get ahead on my homework by a day or two.

"The intelligence can only be led by desire. For there to be desire, there must be pleasure and joy in the work. The intelligence can only grow and bear fruit in joy. The joy of learning is as indispensable in study as breathing is in running. Where it is lacking there are no real students, but only poor caricatures of apprentices who, at the end of their apprenticeship, will not even have a trade.

It is the part played by joy in our studies that makes of them a preparation for spiritual life, for desire directed toward God is the only power capable of raising the soul. Or rather, it is God alone who comes down and possesses the soul, but desire alone draws God down." - Simone Weil

That is what I must memorize for Honors College Writing. Our class will be reciting it at the beginning of every class period for the next year. Pardon me while I rave about this class. I am truly honoured to be taking it - the resources provided to me are far beyond most writing classes. There are only a dozen or so of us students. The professor is an older man, published author, and rarely have I seen a more authentic genuine human. You can tell he is pouring himself into the class and he takes a specific personal interest in every one of us. Every assignment is read and graded by him and by one of his three graders. Help is available any time and the assignments are truly creative. This class strays so far from the style I'm used to - a welcome push outside of my comfort zone. There is no syllabus. I don't know what I am graded on. I get the sense that grades will reflect the student's motivation, effort, and improvement rather than on skill alone. Thank goodness!

I expect great things will come from this class. I must remember to thank Jodi (a friend from Avondale) profusely for strongly recommending it over the standard College Writing classes offered.

Enough ranting for now. Calculus 2 is good, General Chemistry is good, Data Structures 1 is good, U.S. History 2 is good, Intro Engineering 2 is good. Well there is more to say about each of them of course, but I wouldn't want to do anything rash by discussing them in great detail right now.

For something completely different, today was official "Pajama Day" - I was in my element with pj's, robe, and slippers all day to classes, the cafeteria, and meetings this evening. So comfortable - I should wear this every day...


Brandon said...

Just found a great teacher review on

"He will destroy you like an academic ninja!"


Melody said...

Hi Brandon -
Wow - sounds like your Writing class is super! It's always awesome to have such an great teacher. We'll be looking forward to seeing how this class is coming along by the middle of the quarter...

Write about your other classes too, when you have time (ha ha!).


Brandon said...

Yep yep sounds good!

Della said...

Pyjama days... *sigh*

Just like in the caf on Sundays back in the day!

*misty-eyed moment*

Brandon said...

Yeah, I've already become notorious around here for wearing my pj's, robe, and slippers all day Sunday :)

Such good times...