Sunday, January 22, 2006

Apologies to all my faithful readers for a severe lack of writing... Here's a quick news briefing before I hop in bed and the weekend is officially over.

LOTS OF HOMEWORK. Tests, projects, memorization, presentation, etc. It is keeping me on my toes - much more than last quarter somehow. All interesting classes fortunately though.

I've spent many evenings lately rockclimbing - which is now much better thanks to climbing shoes, chalk bag, and other equipment I got for Christmas from my dear family :) So fun and great stress relief. I usually go with Mitch - a new friend of mine who lives off campus.

Gaming. Yes it's sad. I still squeeze game time into my life instead of doing more useful and productive things like writing in my blog. Sometimes I play with friends back home or in Australia - but more often than not it's just me. Oh well - some play is alright I guess.

Movies. I've watched several movies in the past month - mostly on the weekend. They have included: Broken Flowers, Life Aquatic, A History of Violence, Rushmore, Madagascar, Avalon, and Lord of War. Plenty more to watch, but I'm trying to pace myself.

I've also thought more about learning Japanese. And that's about as far as I've gotten... Jason and I will conquer it someday!

Talking with SHAZ - I got two great phone calls from her this past week and it was awsome. I'm looking forward to visiting this July so much :) I MISS MY MATE!

Also - I got my mobile phone set up again - all in all a fairly busy and productive week. And I wish I had more time.

More later... really! And maybe even pictures!

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